Why Is My Dog Itching So Much? 5 Common Causes

Have you ever been on a walk with your dog when suddenly they stop to scratch themselves (and scratch and scratch)? Or maybe they start itching in the middle of a round of fetch. This behavior is completely normal and may be due to something as simple as an itchy collar. In other cases, however, something more serious could be happening.

So, you may be wondering: why is my dog itching so much? Here are five answers to help you understand this behavior.

#1: Environmental Allergies

Just how certain air particles like dust and pollen make humans (and dogs!) sneeze, it can also lead to itchy skin, or “pruritus”—the medical term for itchy skin. And because dogs’ skin is sensitive, allergies can lead your furry friend to scratch, bite, itch, lick their paws, or even shed more.


To help ease environmental allergies, regularly washing your dog’s bed and blankets in hot water can help remove allergens like dust mites. You can also use a specially formulated anti-itch spray for dogs to soothe the skin and relieve itching from allergies or hot spots.


#2: Food Intolerance

Food intolerances are less severe than traditional food allergies, but they’re still uncomfortable for your dog to endure! Certain foods like eggs, corn, wheat, or milk can cause itching and gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting or diarrhea in many dogs. If your dog is itching and recently tried a new dog treat or dog-friendly food, it is possible that their digestive system does not agree with that food or a specific ingredient.

To avoid food-related itchiness, remove the food that triggered the reaction from your dog’s diet. If you're not sure which food could be causing the irritation, contact your veterinarian for more advice.

jack russell dog itching 

#3: Skin Infections

If your pup's skin is flaky, red, or inflamed, a skin infection may explain why your dog is scratching so much. Yeast dermatitis or a staph infection are common in dogs, especially breeds who are more susceptible to excess oil production in their skin such as Cocker Spaniels, West Highland White Terriers, and Basset Hounds.

A weakened immune system may cause skin infections if bacteria on the skin increases. Regular exercise, good hygiene, and a healthy diet are key for supporting your dog’s immune system, but you should consult your veterinarian for advice specific to your dog.

#4: Emotional Well-Being

Similar to how humans bite their nails when nervous, dogs may turn to itching when in stressful environments or situations.

Your dog's itching may be due to stress if they are:

  • Surrounded by a lot of noise or in a big crowd
  • In an unfamiliar place or with unfamiliar people
  • Experiencing separation anxiety
  • Near a dog or any pet they feel threatened by

Of course, sometimes these interactions or environments are unavoidable. Enjoying some playtime, providing chew toys, and generally just spending time with your furry friend are all great methods to help calm an anxious dog.

#5: Parasites

Dog itching often occurs because of fleas and parasites. In fact, parasites affect many dogs to some extent. Internal parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms, and heartworms are typically more serious than external parasites like fleas and ticks, but the latter can result in ear mites. Preventative flea and tick medication can help keep your dog safe!

If you notice that your dog is tired, lethargic, losing weight, not hungry, or affected by stunted growth, it is possible they have been affected by an internal parasite, and you should immediately call your veterinarian for an appointment.

If your dog starts to itch so much after spending time in a wooded area or warm, moist weather, give them a thorough look over for fleas or ticks.

RELATED: How to Remove a Tick from Your Dog

Scratch That Itch!

Remember that some dogs can tolerate allergies, foods, and physical conditions that other dogs cannot. If your dog is scratching so much, monitor their behavior and consider their routine. You may need to change their diet or limit their exposure to pollen. They’ll be grateful to you for helping soothe their skin...and promoting their mental well-being!