4 Simple Eco-Friendly Pet Care Tips for a Smaller Carbon Pawprint

Between daily walks, cleaning the litter box, and even carving out time for a quality cuddle-session, being a pet parent comes with its fair share of responsibility. Not only do we want to give our furry friends the best life possible, but we also want to do it in a way that keeps our planet healthy, too! Here are four simple eco-friendly pet care tips to help minimize your carbon pawprint:  

Pet parent cleaning up after their dog with blue dog waste bag

Eco Tip #1: Scoop the Poop!  

Stepping in a “surprise” someone’s dog left behind is enough to ruin anyone’s day, but forgetting to scoop your dog’s poop can also have long-lasting consequences for our planet.  

Why is dog poop cleanup important? It is a common misconception that pet waste will eventually decompose or dissolve. When left on the ground, rain washes the waste into storm drains and eventually our rivers, lakes, and oceans. This contaminates our drinking water with bacteria and harms aquatic life. That’s why cleanup duty is one of the simplest yet impactful eco dog care tips!  

There are many outdoor waste pickup tools that make it easier to clean up after your pet and help protect the environment. Expedite backyard cleanup by using a pooper scooper  and remember to take dog waste bags along on your walks. Once you find the best way to clean up dog poop around your home, all that’s left is finding regular time to do the job!  

🐾 Related:  What’s the Best Way to Clean Up Dog Poop in the Yard? 

Man crossing the street with dog

Eco Tip #2: Travel by Foot (or Paw!) 

Opting to walk or bike instead of drive one day a week is an eco dog care tip that can help reduce personal carbon emissions, according to a study by the University of Oxford.  

Whether you’re visiting a local park or running errands with your pup, consider ditching the car and walking there instead! Strolling to your destination with your furry friend is a fun and healthy sustainable pet care step that’s helps protect the planet while giving you the chance reconnect with nature. They'll get to sniff out new scents and burn off energy, while you’ll get to enjoy a dose of stress-relieving exercise. 

Before you grab the leash and hit the pavement, be sure to have secure gear like a comfortable dog harness and ensure the planned route is suitable for safely walking your dog.   

Couple shopping at a pet store holding puppies

Eco Tip #3: Going Green in Your Pet’s Routine  

Shopping for your furry friend, let alone shopping sustainably, can be a challenge. But going green in our furry friend’s daily routine is easy when you make these simple sustainable pet care swaps: 

Choose Pet Products That Are Gentler on the Environment  

When shopping, look for eco callouts like minimal packaging, upcycled materials, and sustainable manufacturing processes. Our Wee-Wee® Eco Bamboo Pads are an Earth-friendly solution made with 50% recycled materials and bleach-free, dye-free tissue.  

Recycle Used Products 

Products like pet shampoo and conditioners often come in recyclable containers. If your local municipality offers recycling services, be sure to sort any cardboard packaging or recyclable plastics into the correct containers. 

Buy in Bulk  

When you can, buy items like dog or cat food in bulk. Bigger bags mean fewer trips to the store and less packaging waste.  

Cat peeking out of cardboard box

Eco Tip #4: Get Sustainable with Second-Hand Solutions 

Let’s face it: our furry friends grow quickly, their toys have been loved long enough, and they’ll choose your bed over theirs any day. Unfortunately, many of these usable items will end up in the trash and eventually, the landfill.  

Instead of tossing those old kitty sweaters or the ball your dog forgot about, consider giving these items a new life! Here’s how to make that once-loved pet product an eco pet product:  

Visit Second-Hand Stores 

Social media groups and neighborhood apps often have communities where you can list unneeded pet items. This is a great way to find a loving new home for your furry friend’s old things and score some amazing deals on gently used accessories. 

Find a Donation Station 

Be sure to check out your local animal shelter or rescue organization to see if they are accepting donations. Your pup’s outgrown collar might be a new favorite for a furry friend in need!  

By giving pre-loved pet items a second chance, you're not just practicing a more sustainable lifestyle; you're also saving money. Plus, there’s nothing like giving happiness to another furry friend!  

Woman high fiving dog paw

Small Changes Make a Big Impact

When it comes to being an eco-friendly pet parent, progress—not perfection—is the key! Each earth-conscious choice you make and every eco dog and cat product you buy adds up to a big impact on our planet. Celebrate the wins and continue to explore new ways to reduce your environmental pawprint!