Why Do Cats Groom Each Other? 4 Adorable Explanations


There are few sights sweeter than your two kitties snuggled up and giving each other a nice cleaning. While many of us may just take this special moment as an opportunity to photograph our felines, this grooming behavior actually has a biological function! So, why do cats groom each other? Let’s shed some light...

What is Allogrooming in Cats?

Allogrooming, or social grooming, is a behavior initiated between animals of the same species. Social grooming can serve different purposes, ranging from a monkey picking bugs out of their young’s hair to two cats licking each other. No matter the species, domesticated or feral, this wholesome habit benefits furry friends both socially and physically.

Why Do Cats Groom Each Other?

Kitties are complex animals! Here are a few different reasons why cats lick each other.

Reason #1: Social Bonding

Felines are social creatures and grooming each other is the perfect bonding activity! Licking helps cats show affection toward one another, which can strengthen their social bonds, establish social networks, and build relationships. Mothers will also groom their kittens as a way to bond before they are old enough to learn how to do it on their own.

Reason #2: Cleanliness

Have you ever wondered: do cats need baths? Well, the answer is yes—but a good grooming session from a fellow feline can help, too! Cats will groom one another to help remove dirt, debris, & parasites from their fur and reduce the chance of an infection. Although felines are more than capable of cleaning themselves, providing your furry friend a full-body cat grooming session can benefit their overall health.

Reason #3: Communication

Communication is always key, even in the feline world. There are several ways cats communicate, from their sounds and body language to the way they groom one another! Depending on which cat chooses to groom the other may show dominance within their pair. In fact, this activity will often dictate the social hierarchy, with the alpha feline the one who typically does the grooming. If you have two cats who take turns cleaning each other, they likely see themselves as equals.

Reason #4: Stress Relief

Another reason why cats lick each other is because it can be an incredibly relaxing experience! The repetitive movement often feels soothing for both the groomer and the recipient. Next time you see your kitties licking one another, think of it as a comforting little massage after a hard day of “making biscuits.”

→ RELATED: Cat Behavior Quiz: What Is Your Kitty Trying to Tell You?

two cats grooming each other

Wholesome...And Effective!

Now that we’ve answered the question, “why do cats groom each other,” you’ll have a better understanding of some of your kitty’s quirky habits! Whether it’s for a biological purpose or simply an unintentional way to get attention from their human, there’s no doubt we all appreciate this adorable moment between felines.