Featured Feline: Calico Cat – Traits, Temperament, & Trivia


Temperament & Purrrsonality

Energy Level


Grooming & Coat Care

Calico cats are famous for their distinct tricolored locks, but you may notice these felines don’t always look alike. That’s because calicos are not a cat breed! Despite popular belief, calico simply refers to their unique coat pattern. Domestic breeds commonly associated with calico markings include American Shorthairs, Devon Rexes, Persians, and Norwegian Forest Cats. 

Get to know the history behind the calico cat, uncover common questions (like are all calico cats female?), and see what other traits these cuties share! 

Size: Medium

Weight: 4–12 lbs

Hypoallergenic: No

Eyes: Green, yellow, blue, brown

Coat Length: Short and long-haired

Coat Pattern: Tricolor (white, orange, black)

Personality: Confident, spunky, active

Origin: Mediterranean region


 calico kitten


While there isn’t a definitive origin story behind calico cats, it’s said they were first spotted in countries along the Mediterranean region. Calicos quickly gained a positive reputation worldwide; some cultures even believe they bring good fortune to their pet parents. In fact, calico cats are nicknamed “glückskatze” in Germany, which translates to “lucky cat”! 

What makes this kitty special is their distinct white, orange, and black patterned coat! The famous calico pattern is the result of a genetic mutation linked to two X chromosomes, according to research from the University of Miami. Because female cats have an XX genetic makeup—instead of the male XY—you might wonder, "are all calico cats female?”  


The answer is: yes! Calico cats are almost always female. However, a rare abnormality like Klinefelter’s Syndrome causes a male cat to inherit an extra X chromosome, which could potentially give them the calico trait.

calico kitten on a fuzzy blanket 


Temperament and Purrrsonality

Playful, curious, and affectionate are the words typically used to describe the traits and behaviors of calico cat breeds. Some feline pet parents will say these are clingy kitties, but calicos overall tend to be independent and enjoy their alone time. Don't be surprised if you notice how often they use their voice to capture your attention! 


Energy Level

Calico cats’ energy levels typically range from moderate to high. They are active kitties who love to keep busy, whether it's climbing an indoor surface or having a play session with their favorite person. 

 calico cat looking out window



If you dedicate a few minutes every day to teaching your calico a new skill, it’s likely they’ll start to pick it up. Try training them with positive reinforcement methods like treats, praise, and affection! 


🐾 RELATED: How to Train a Cat to Use the Litter Box  


calico cat sitting on perch

Grooming and Coat Care

Although they have the same color patches, there is a large spectrum of coat types when it comes to calico cat breeds! From short and curly to long-haired cat breeds, these felines require a grooming routine that suits their individual fur type. All cats, regardless of coat length, should still receive weekly brushing sessions—use a cat slicker brush keep their fur healthy, clean, and looking good! 


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Keep Up with the Calico 

From British Shorthairs to Japanese Bobtails, the different calico cat breeds make up a special community of charming felines! With their beautiful patterns and positive temperament, it’s easy to see why they are loved worldwide. 

Looking for another standout kitty with distinct markings? Check out the popular Bengal cat and their striking leopard-spotted coat!